bl serve

Serve a beamlit project


Serve a beamlit project

bl serve [flags]


  bl serve --remote --hotreload --port 1338


  -h, --help            help for serve
  -H, --host string     Bind socket to this port. If 0, an available port will be picked (default "")
      --hotreload       Watch for changes in the project
  -m, --module string   Module to serve, can be an agent or a function
  -p, --port int        Bind socket to this host (default 1338)
  -r, --remote          Serve the project remotely. It will use functions deployed on beamlit cloud

Options inherited from parent commands

  -e, --env string         Environment. One of: development,production
  -o, --output string      Output format. One of: pretty,yaml,json,table
  -u, --utc                Enable UTC timezone
  -v, --verbose            Enable verbose output
  -w, --workspace string   Specify the workspace name


  • bl - Beamlit CLI is a command line tool to interact with Beamlit APIs.