Beamlit CLI is a command line tool to interact with the Beamlit APIs.


Get started

To get started with the CLI, your must first create a workspace on the Beamlit console. Then, login to Beamlit using the following command and replacing your-workspace:

bl login your-workspace

You will be prompted to finish login using either an API key, or through your browser.

Set a workspace to use as a context for the session by using the following command:

bl workspaces your-workspace

### Retrieve the list of workspaces you have access to by running:
bl workspaces

You can now run any command to interact with Beamlit resources in your workspace. For example, to list models:

bl get models


-h, --help               help for beamlit
-o, --output string      Output format. One of: pretty, yaml, json, table
-w, --workspace string   Specify the Beamlit workspace to work on.
-e, --env string         Specify the Beamlit environment to work on. One of: development, production